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Assistant Principal, 11th Grade


Phone: (817) 815-1013

Qualifications: Bachelors: ULL (University Louisiana Lafayette) Teaching Certification: UTA (University Texas at Arlington) Masters: TCU (Texas Christian University)

Mrs. Precious Poullard

I NEVER intended to work in education. I was going to go to medical school to be a forensic pathologist and my husband was going to go to law school and focus on corporate law. While in LA getting our first degree, someone planted a seed that we should consider education. As time went on, other people watered that seed. We moved to TX in 2001 and began teaching at Paschal High. My husband was a floater and spent 2 class periods in my room. During our first year in the classroom, we absolutely fell in love with our new profession – purpose collided with destiny. I then realized EVERYTHING I experienced growing up had prepared me to be a positive influence on the lives of students I would be blessed to be a part of.